Thursday 22 October 2020

My own unique me...

                                          Photo credits: Pinterest
 My own unique me . . .

     I am me, and that is all I could ask for, I am but a teenager with a goal I’m aiming for a dream I want to achieve, now, we all know that to reach or achieve your dreams or goals you must first go through challenges with many ups and downs. I’m only just starting out in this big world, but I have somewhat already gotten a bit of experience in life as each time passes, I’ve developed my own personality and is just starting to understand myself better. 

    I’ve always wondered what people think of me. Personally, I think I am an introvert, someone who likes being alone doing their own things, I am socially awkward, and I can’t read social cues. But I do feel rather empty by being alone, so I started talking to people more and getting along. I loved it, I guess from there on I started to rely on people more, I care for them more and I get sad when they are sad. 

    The word that best describes me is sentimental, that’s what every one of my friends would say, of course, they would say caring and friendly, but if you and I are very close I would feel sad if you went away, the tiniest things make me cry nowadays, stories I read about friendships ending drifting apart, or family being torn apart. If you and I became good friends and you suddenly betrayed me or turned your back at me… I would never get mad at you, I would only get mad at myself, overthink, and remember all the things we did together. And Just be sad, so the best way to describe me is sensitive and sentimental, Up until now I get sad and I remember very vividly everyone that has cut ties with me or hurt me. I’m sure I will change in the future, I’ll mature but for now, I’ve got other challenges to face. 

   Discovering your own unique 'you' is something only you yourself can do. We have a lifetime to discover more about ourselves, nothing is really set in stone, nothing is permanent. I am sentimental, yes, but in the near future, as time goes on I would most likely change, mature, and only God knows.


  1. Your blog made me realize that every person you let in to your life, just made every moment so precious. Time may be the only thing that might separate you and your loved ones, death, or misunderstandings. But one thing will still remain, and that is your love for yourself and your loved ones.thank you so much for giving us an inspiring message. Everyday is a challenge you must prepare and everyday you might turn into something matured than yesterday...

  2. You made me realized that you need to go out from your comfort zone. In this way, we taught ourselves to be more matured, strong to face any challenges and to be independent. An inspiring message and I hope everyone will read this so that she or he can motivate theirselves to go out from their comfort zone.

  3. Reading your article truly inspire me. I hope many people will read this article of yours because it has an inspiring message. I really love your article and every details gave me a great message.

  4. This Describes You Perfectly 10/10 Good Job

  5. I agree that "you" can only discover the real "you". Don't let those hardships bring you down. You've been hurt but stayed strong


My second Quarter