Wednesday 20 January 2021

Awareness for our Planet: Earth, our home

Awareness for our beloved Planet Earth, how you say? well it's simple, I will be spitting out a bunch of stuff later one to help you open your eyes, and ultimately make you do participate in spreading awareness too ! To start of, everyone is aware of the common problem climate change right? Climate Change is a long-term change in both global and regional patterns, it's effects influence weather patterns. It is an unexpected and abnormal change brought on by us humans. As a result of unbalancing the weather of our planet, the sustainability of the planet's ecosystems are under threat, and that includes the future of humankind and stability of the global economy. Now let's also tackle on Global warming, it refers to the steady and consistent rise in global temperatures. The increase is caused by an excess of greenhouse gas emissions in the Earth's atmosphere and this is ultimately due to the burning of fossil fuels since the industrial revolution. 

In summary, global warming refers to one process while climate change encapsulates all of the symptoms experienced as a result of pollution and greenhouse gas production damaging and altering our environment, such as sudden shifting of weather that will affect our food productions greatly since the frequency and intensity of extreme weather could have significant impacts on crop yields and on the crop's optimal temperature for growth and reproduction. Sudden rise in sea levels are also another problem that causes even more problems such as flooding. 

Now it is wise to adapt to these situations or issues, a simple way is to use your brain. Use the knowledge given to you throughout all the years, reducing water waste, planting more trees, following the 3 R's, upholding environmental laws. For problems such as flooding, we can build stronger structures and perform maintenance of drainage systems around the neighborhood. And for problems with the heat, maybe construction of solar panels and windmills, lessen the amount of gas being released, it might not help cool down much, but with this we can generate more electricity. Taking advantage of some of the issues and making use of plants that would be suitable for the heat, since there are some plants that require more heat, adapting. All the while promoting awareness and solutions everywhere. That's all I can say and share, thanks for reading !

Global warming vs. Climate change: why words matter (2019),

Climate Change: Meaning, definition, causes, examples and consequences (2020),

Climate Impacts on Agriculture and Food Supply (2017),,result%20in%20reduced%20agricultural%20productivity.

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